What are LSPs (Large Scale Pilots)?

Large Scale Pilots (LSP) are pilot projects funded by the European Commission as part of the Digital Europe program.

Large Scale Pilots (LSPs ) are pilot projects funded by the European Commission as part of the Digital Europe program. Their aim is to test innovative technologies on a large scale, for specific use cases and in real environments, before deploying them throughout the European Union.

These projects, which involve 350 private companies and public authorities from 26 member states (as well as Norway, Iceland and Ukraine), aim to validate the feasibility, interoperability and security of digital solutions - including the European Digital Identity Wallet(EUDI Wallet), which is at the heart of the LSP initiatives. The aim of these projects is to ensure that digital solutions comply with European standards, in particular eIDAS 2.0which governs the management of digital identities and the protection of personal data.

LSP objectives

Testing European interoperability: They ensure that solutions such as the digital identity wallet operate smoothly and securely across the different EU member states.

Validate use cases in real environments: LSPs enable EUDIW to be tested under real-life conditions - whether in the banking, healthcare, education or public service sectors - to identify practical challenges before large-scale deployment.

Reinforcing security and compliance: A key aspect of LSPs is to ensure that the wallet complies with the European Union's strict security and privacy standards, including the updated eIDAS regulation on digital identity management and personal data protection.

LSP projects in progress

LSPs cover a wide range of domains and use cases. Current projects include initiatives such as POTENTIAL, EWC (EU Digital Identity Wallet Consortium), NOBID and DC4EU, which focus on the validation of European digital wallets and the use of digital identity in a variety of project-specific contexts.

Archipels' involvement in LSPs

Archipels is an active participant in these large-scale pilot projects (LSP). As a French player in the field of digital identity, Archipels is involved in the Potential and especially EWC (EU Digital Identity Wallet Consortium) initiatives.

In these projects, Archipels contributes its expertise in the development of concrete use cases for companies(KYS, KYB, KYC, etc.). In this way, Archipels contributes to the large-scale adoption of the European digital wallet and the construction of a secure, interoperable digital ecosystem tailored to the needs of citizens and businesses throughout Europe.

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