New white paper: "Everything you need to know about eIDAS 2.0"!
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Streamline and secure exchanges within your company

Put an end to document fraud and identity theft.

Thanks to our Web 3 platform of verifiable identities and data, we can adapt to your needs: proof of age, proof of residence, proof of income or even Credential of Kbis!

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The European wallet for verifiable identities and data

Faced with European eIDAS 2.0 regulations and the definition of the European digital wallet (EUDI Wallet), Archipels is developing its own wallet for companies and individuals.

Find out more about eIDAS 2.0


Issue, present and verify identity attribute attestations within your ecosystem (customers, suppliers, employees...).

Archipels Wallet logo


Take back control of your data, simplify your procedures and disclose only the bare essentials.

A laptop mock-up of Archipels Business' solution

Create your own Archipels Business!


We offer innovative companies the chance to test our Archipels Business solution: create and verify your company wallet and start issuing or verifying digital attestations!
For example, you can simulate the request to present attestations for a KYC or KYB procedure.

Discover the program
A laptop and phone mock-up of Archipels Business solution

Archipels Business: deliver and verify verifiable identities and data

I want to know more!
How about putting an end to document fraud for good?
Say no to fraud
Thanks to the wallet, you can guarantee the authenticity of the data shared and the identity of the individuals and organizations with whom you exchange.
Build trusting relationships
Restore a relationship of complete trust with your partners, suppliers, employees and end customers.
Create, manage and share certificates
Are you an issuer wishing to provide proof of address or any other Credential ? We'll simplify the process for you.
Simplify your partners' onboarding
Automate credential verification and updates from a single tool. Save time while securing your routes.

Use cases for many sectors

Bank and insurance
Energy and environment
Public sector
Supply chain
Real estate
Ticketing and events
Hospitality and mobility

All about digital identity

How to facilitate and secure supplier onboarding (KYS) with the identity wallet?

Proof of age to access certain websites

The European digital identity: when will it be available?

They share their experience

Franck Dammann

CEO Mailstone

Thanks to Mailstone, the email takes all its value by the use of the trusted third party that represents the mechanism of the Archipels Blockchain.

Philippe Sanchis

CEO Vialink

Archipels provides an additional guarantee with high added value in terms of assurance of the reliability of these documents, and therefore an innovative and effective solution to limit fraud.

Olivier Vallet

CEO Docapost

This choice to enrich our KYC solution with the Archipels Blockchain seemed obvious to us because it reinforces our position as a reference in digital trust